Friday, October 7, 2011


IDS West took place this past weekend at the Vancouver Convention Centre and was a great success for Provide – it was our first show and we were delighted to be part of it. The feedback on our booth and what we were showcasing was tremendous. It seemed like we were constantly busy, but I was able to get away to explore the show and see what the other exhibitors had on display. Above are some shots from suppliers to Provide: MTH Woodworks, Martha Sturdy and Christian Woo –  it was great to see our friends at the show and I was totally impressed with their presentations. Martha Sturdy did a great job with creating an unexpected space to showcase her beautiful resin and metal pieces of furniture and accessories, as well Christian's Kitchen featuring a walnut island was absolutely beautiful. The bottom picture is a wood sphere by Brent Comber, who without a doubt had the most striking space.


Unknown said...

Wow. That kitchen. I love it.

Brillante Interiors said...

It was an amazing event, better and better every year. You had a great booth too.I posted an image of it on my blog.

Provide said...

Thank you Albarosa for your support. We saw your blog and I think commented on there? If not, I know we did post it to our facebook page. Thanks again and look forward to seeing you soon!