Wednesday, October 31, 2012


A few weeks ago Robert and David returned from Spain and re-merchandised Provide. When I walked in the next day I immediately noticed the beautiful gold and black display wall which David had put together, instantly I fell in love with the elegance and warmth of the gold Martha Sturdy pieces and Judy Ross cushions paired together with the bold ebony blacks of the Pacific Connections lacquer trays and whimsical personality of 'The Black Guest' by Lladro. Grouped together you get an instant luxurious and sophisticated combination.

Images listed clockwise from left:
Caleb Siemon metals series vertical wrap vase
Caleb Siemon black cumulo barrel vase
Niche Modern bella pendant light in amber
Lladro's 'The Black Guest' 
Judy Ross tabla cushion
Charlene Mullen handlebar cushion
Cire Trudon candle
Saikai brass trivet
Shereen De Rousseau wrap bracelet 
Martha Sturdy square vase in new gold/clear
Pacific Connections black lacquer tray 

Posted by Megan